CongratsGraduate student Ming-Ho Pan (潘明禾), directed by A. P. Ching-Ming Lai (賴慶明), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, was honored with First Place in Group of Mechatronics in“2019 National Academia-Industry Innovation Competition (全國大專院校產學創新實作競賽)”
CongratsProf. Wood-Hi Cheng(鄭木海), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, was elevated to “2019 Best Poster Award of Pilot and Development Types of Academia-Industry Collaboration Research Program (先導開發型產學合作計畫成果發表會-產學成果海報展示特優獎)” from MOST Department of Engineering and Technologies.
CongratsGraduate students Tzu-Hsien Hung (洪子賢) and Hao-Chuan Wang (王浩權), directed by Distinguished prof. Chia-Feng Juang (莊家峰), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, were honored with First Prize from“Softbank Robot Cup: NAO Robot Innovative Dancing Competition (軟銀機器人盃-NAO機器人創意舞蹈比賽).
CongratsStudents Chi-Ren Chen (陳芑任), Chiao-Yen Luo (羅喬彥), Sih-You Lin (林思佑), directed by Prof. Ching-Chih Tsai (蔡清池), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, were honored with Second Place in High-speed Prize (賽道神速獎) in“2019 TEL Robot Combat (東京威力科創機器人大賽-鋼鐵擂台).”
CongratsStudents Kuan-Wei Chen (陳冠瑋), Yu-Bin Yuan (袁鈺彬), Jia-Cheng Hung (洪嘉呈), Yuan-Shuo Hsieh (謝元碩), directed by A. P. Kuo-Guan Wu (吳國光), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, were honored with Third Prize in“2019 TEL Robot Combat (東京威力科創機器人大賽-鋼鐵擂台).”
CongratsStudents Sung-Heng Shiue (薛頌恆) & Huai-An Lin (林懷安), directed by Distinguished prof. Chia-Feng Juang (莊家峰), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, were honored with First Prize in “AIoT & Innovative Application of Motion Sensor Makerthon Competition (AIoTx動作感測創意應用自造松競賽)” held by MOST Hsinchu Science Park.
CongratsA. P. Ching-Ming Lai(賴慶明), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, was honored with “2019 Innovative Research and Development Results by Young Scholars (年輕學者創新研究成果優等獎)” from Taiwan Comprehensive University .′
CongratsA. P. Ching-Ming Lai(賴慶明), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, was honored with “2019 Outstanding Youth Automatic Control Engineering Award (青年自動控制工程獎)” from Chinese Automatic Control Society.′
CongratsStudents Jou-An Shih (施柔安), Kuan-Hung Liu (劉冠閎), Yi-Wen Chen (陳鐿文), Che-Yu Lin (林哲宇), directed by Assist. Prof. Chia-Mu Yu (游家牧), Department of Computer Science and Engineering of EECS, won the First Place in Anonymous Prize (匿名加工獎) in“2019 IWSEC PWS Cup.”
CongratsDistinguished prof. Chia-Feng Juang(莊家峰), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, was honored with “2019 Distinguished Electrical Engineering Professor Award (傑出電機工程教授獎)” from Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering.′
CongratsStudent Kai-Ju Cheng (鄭凱儒), directed by Prof. Shyr-Shen Yu (喻石生), Department of Computer Science and Engineering of EECS, was honored with First Prize of College Group (大專與研究生組) in“2019 Intelligent Manufacturing and Big Data Analystics Contest Project B (全國智慧製造大數據分析競賽).”
CongratsGraduate students Wen-Pin Guo (郭溫蘋), Li-Kang Chiang (姜力綱), Wei-Che Weng (翁偉哲), Hao-Lin Chung (鍾浩霖), directed by Assist. Prof. Yao-Chung Fan (范耀中), Department of Computer Science and Engineering of EECS, were honored with First Prize in“2019 Legaltech Hackathon (法律科技黑客松).”
CongratsGraduate students Po-Hsien Lu (呂柏賢) and Ming-Ho Pan (潘明禾), directed by A. P. Ching-Ming Lai (賴慶明), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, were honored with First Prize in“2020 Applications in Electric Power Paper Competition (大專院校電力應用實作論文觀摩競賽)”by the study of“(基於新型推挽式LLC諧振升壓轉換之電池逆變器系統).”
CongratsProf. Yin-Tsung Hwang(黃穎聰), Department of Electrical Engineering, and I-En Liao(廖宜恩), professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, were both honored with 2019 NCHU Industry-Academic Research Outstanding Teachers II (產學績優教師II).
CongratsYen-Jen Chang(張延任), chair of Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, was honored with 2019 NCHU Distinguished Service Award I -Teacher (服務特優I教師獎).


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